Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Puddles (by guest cook, Susan Kolberg)

Puddles are a non-bake cookie type treat I made for my 6 children while they grew up. Four of those children are my daughters Lisa, Heather, Melanie, and Hannah who make up this "Minnesota Bread Blog". I am a guest in Lisa's kitchen today.

Some of Lisa's kids and their cousins are playing outside on this mid April and snow covered day. (The fact that it snowed last night is just wrong) Nevertheless, Lisa mentioned that the kids might like a sweet treat, so I looked in our family cookbook called; Memorable Minnesota Meals & Munchies, Dec. 2000. On page 63 I found our Puddle recipe.

Here goes:

Ingredient List:

2 C sugar

1/2 C milk

3 T cocoa

3 tsp. vanilla

1 stick butter or margerine ( I use butter)

1/2 C peanut butter ( We like crunchy)

3 C quick oatmeal

Bring sugar, milk, cocoa, vanilla, and butter to a full boil. Boil for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. (boil too long and cookies fall apart, boil too short and your puddles spread---good luck on your guessing)

Turn off heat and add peanut butter, stirring until melted. Stir in Oatmeal. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax paper or parchment or silicone baking sheets and allow to cool.


Signing off -- Grandma Kolberg

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